Giulia Menicucci

My name is Giulia Menicucci and I’m photographer based in the Netherlands.
In my practice, I use my own background and feelings as an opening to connect with the stories of others I meet along the way.

With a desire to explore the past, I use photography as a tool to shape and unwrap what I cannot understand. By combining archival material, text, and photography, I adopt a storytelling approach with a poetic vision to retrace traumatic events and stories of social impact.

In my process, the constant questioning of everything and curiosity play an important role, as they open up many possibilities to experiment and engage with new people and realities. My aim is to stimulate emotions and wonder and to create visuals in which the audience can engage and find their own narrative.

Currently studying photography at the Royal Academy of Art, KABK in The Hague.

Since early 2022 I'm part of The Fool Collective, based in The Hague, The Netherlands.


︎ giuliamenic