Giulia Menicucci

edelweißpiraten sind treu


“Where did they meet?”

“Look around for  somewhere to hide. That's where they were."

None of the boys and girls who hid in the woods are still alive, they who road their bicycles and camped in the countryside with their guitars and their desire to be young and free.
It was 1934 when the songs of the Edelweißpiraten began to echo through a Germany increasingly restricted by a more and more violent regime.
In my work, I have followed the paths of those boys and girls who took many risks in order to be free, accompanied by the memories of those who heard their stories while growing up, children of the juvenile resistance.

Trickle a Group exhibition by The Fool Collectiv
‘We Do / Are Photography’ event,  
Internationale Photoszene Köln 
Cologne, Germany October 2022.

Exhibition cured by Anna Andrejew, Enrico Carpi, Matevž Čebašek, Matej Filipič, and Giulia Menicucci lead by faculty members Yara van der Velden and Donald Weber.

With John Fleetwood & Lotte Sprengers, (2022), at Symposium ‘We Do / Are Photography‘.
Cologne, Germany.
Credits @Photoszene Köln

This project is part of the Trickle a publication by
The Fool Collective.  
Published in October 2022, The Hague Netherlands.